Refer a client to SYDWDVCAS

    This form can be used by any service to refer a woman – 16 years and over – who is experiencing, or has experienced, domestic and family violence (DFV) to Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (SYDWDVCAS). SYDWDVCAS can assist non-binary or gender diverse people if the person is comfortable working with a women’s service. SYDWDVCAS has both an Aboriginal DFV Worker and Multicultural DFV Worker.

    SYDWDVCAS covers the areas of Eastern Sydney Eastern Beaches PAC & Eastern Suburbs PAC, Central Sydney (Kings Cross PAC, Surry Hills PAC, South Sydney PAC& Sydney City PAC) and Inner West Inner West PAC & Leichhardt PAC. Each area has a Safety Action Meeting (SAM), which is coordinated by SYDWDVCAS. If the client lives elsewhere, you can call the state-wide WDVCAS number on 1800 938 227, enter the client’s postcode, and this will direct you to their local WDVCAS.

    Referrer details

    Client details

    Perpetrator details

    Referral details

    Why are you referring this client to the WDVCAS?

    NOTE: WDVCAS can only accept non-police referrals with consent of the client. Please do not refer without consent unless you assess the client to be at ‘serious threat’ and the referral is for the SAM (refer to page 3).

    Or for the client as defendant, but you assess that they are the primary victim?

    If so, please provide details including the date of referral and the service contact details

    Please fill in the online form and submit when completed. Please note that the online form needs to be completed in one session otherwise your information may time out.
    Please click below to download a fillable version of the form to complete and return to SYDWDVCAS email: when possible. Download form
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