Refer a client to SWSWDVCAS

    This form can be used by any service to refer a woman – 16 years and over – who is experiencing, or has experienced, domestic and family violence (DFV) to South West Sydney Women’s Domestic Violence Court Advocacy Service (WDVCAS). WDVCAS can assist non-binary or gender diverse people if the person is comfortable working with a women’s service.

    South West Sydney WDVCAS covers the areas of Bankstown, Fairfield and Liverpool.Each area has a Safety Action Meeting (SAM), which is coordinated by South West Sydney WDVCAS. If the client lives elsewhere,
    you can call the state-wide WDVCAS number on 1800 938 227, enter the client’s postcode, and this will direct you to her local WDVCAS.

    Referrer details

    Client details

    Perpetrator details

    Referral details

    Why are you referring this client to the WDVCAS?

    NOTE: WDVCAS can only accept non-police referrals with consent of the client. Please do not refer without consent unless you assess the client to be at ‘serious threat’ and the referral is for the SAM (refer to page 3).

    Or for the client as defendant, but you assess that they are the primary victim?

    If so, please provide details including the date of referral and the service contact details

    If no, does the client know that you are making this referral?

    Why is this referral being made without consent?

    A service provider must seek the victim’s consent unless it is unreasonable or impractical to do so (e.g., it would increase the threat to their safety). In certain circumstances, Part 13A of the Crimes Act allows service providers to share information without a victim’s consent where it is necessary to prevent or lessen a serious threat to safety. Referrals are assessed case-by-case; it may often be more appropriate for the referrer to discuss consent and the SAM process with the client if they have ongoing contact.

    The client being involved in the discussion about a referral to the SAM enables:

    • The client’s own assessment of their safety and needs to be known and shared. If the matter is discussed at the SAM, this allows for more targeted actions to be considered; and maximises the benefit of the discussion.

    • Necessary safety planning to occur. Information sharing to Police or Child Protection may trigger a mandatory response which could inadvertently increase the risk to the victim. (For example, a client may not have reported the DFV to police and may have safety concerns about doing this, especially if still in the intimate relationship/ living with the perpetrator. Police may be obliged to contact the victim based on information shared at the SAM. If the client was not aware of this information-sharing occurring, and has not safety planned around this, this could increase the risk to their safety).

    • Reducing the risk of the client disengaging from/losing trust in services if they are made aware that information was shared without their knowledge/consent.

    Please fill in the online form and submit when completed. Please note that the online form needs to be completed in one session otherwise your information may time out.
    Please click below to download a fillable version of the form to complete and return to SWSWDVCAS email: when possible. Download form
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