Driving Offences Legal Service (DOLS)

In partnership with the Local Court of New South Wales, our experienced solicitors provide free legal advice for traffic matters listed at Liverpool Local Court every Wednesday, and Bankstown Local Court every Thursday.

We offer free driving offence legal services (DOLS).

In partnership with the Local Court of New South Wales, our experienced solicitors provide free legal advice for traffic matters listed at Liverpool Local Court every Wednesday, and Bankstown Local Court every Thursday. 
This service will now be available in Fairfield, on a fortnightly basis for the time being due to our current resources. This includes support for driving offences and civil enquiries.

We can advise you whether to plead guilty or not guilty to your matter, and what the court process and outcomes are for your matter.

We offer support and advice for

We offer support and advice for:

  • car accidents
  • driving fines
  • fines.
This service is funded by the Community Legal Centres Program, administered by Legal Aid NSW.


Please reach out to us on the number below.


If you call at the following times and provide your details, a lawyer will aim to call you back within 10 working days.

Tuesdays and Thursdays
10.30am to 1.30pm

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