We run the following Domestic and Family Violence (DFV) Casework Services:

Bankstown Domestic Violence Service (BDVS)
This service is available for women and children who have experienced abuse from a partner, ex-partner, carer or family member. It is available in the Bankstown LGA.

Staying Home Leaving Violence (SHLV) Program
Supports women who have left an abusive relationship, to protect them from further abuse and pursue their long-term goals. Available in Liverpool, Fairfield, Canterbury-Bankstown and Burwood LGAs.
Financial counselling service
Our Financial Counsellor can help women who are affected by domestic and family violence to deal with money problems. To access this service, you must be referred by a community service provider.
Keeping Women Safe In Their Homes (KWSITH)
The initiative aims to empower women to be able to stay in their own home or a home of their choosing and to be and feel safe. KWSITH allows women to maintain access to service supports, workplaces, schools, family and friends.
Disability Focus Casework Service (DFCS)
Our DFCS is for more accessible specialised DFSV support to be available for people and communities in NSW affected by domestic, family and sexual violence
Who our clients are
Clients supported through our DFV casework services
people supported through community education and advocacy
Women and children* (*assisted directly or indirectly)
First Nations
Living with a disability
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